YOYO!! Whats up everyone!!?? Well, like I said last week, I'm in Santa Cruz now as a zone leader with Elder Ashton again (my trainer)...And to describe Santa Cruz.. I think the words I'm going to use are.... PURE BUSH!!! Santa Cruz is about as country as it gets... definately a big change from Kingston. And its taking some getting used to. Things were definately a little more convenient in Kingston... but its nice to be back in the country too. I think its gonna be awesome serving here though. The people seem awesome, and there are some way cool members... The branch is small, kinda like Port Antonio, and there isn't a building here yet, so we meet in a house that the church rents... but it was really full this Sunday, so hopefully, we'll be able to upgrade soon. We are working with some way cool people, and I'm basically way excited for this transfer.... It's gonna be great!! Elder Ashton is awesome,and I'm way excited to serve with him again. To be honest, this week has kind of been a blur... I can't believe that its already over, I'll try to summarize it, but I forgot to bring my journal to email today, so its gonna be kinda devoid of details..... The last 2 days in Kingston were pretty sweet, we had some way good lessons, and a lot of the people we are working with should be baptized in the next few weeks... :) Sean Connery, has a baptism date , so that would be sweet. haha... Coolest name ever!! But ya, he's way awesome.... Transfer day was crazy!!! I thought we were leaving at 10, so I planned on packing in the morning, but I found out when I woke up at 6:30, that we were leaving at 8!!! And long story short.. I'm getting very efficient at packing.. haha I got everything packed up (yes mom, well organized and folded clothes and all that. :) and we made it out on time... THen the transfer began!! Being a zone leader for transfers is crazy!! We were picking up and dropping off missionaries everywhere!! It was a ton of driving, (Elder Ashton's license is expired, so I was lucky enough to get to drive all day haha) and we finally ended up in Savannah - la- mar.. at like 10.. so we just crashed there for the night, and then drove to Santa Cruz in the morning on Thursday... Needless to say, I'm getting a lot of experience driving on two way one lane country roads.. haha gotta love it. :) The house here is pretty sweet.... tall ceilings, and pretty clean... cold water still.. but its more swimming pool tempurature... not ice water like kingston.. so thats nice. :) The worst thing about the house though is it smells like crap!!! I think there are some messed up pipes or something, because the house always smells terrible... but such is life I guess... So ya, I'm way excited to get unpacked today (we have been going to work.. so I haven't gotten time yet)..and get to know the people here... It seems awesome... I'm also way stoked for general conference this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO !!!! :) Its gonna be awesome!! I have been reading through last conference's talks, and have picked a couple favorites.... One is "Reflections on a consecrated life by Elder D. Todd Christofferson,... and the other is THe transforming power of faith and character by Elder Richard G. Scott... they are awesome!! and really inspiring.. I would definately encourage everyone to read and ponder them, and apply them to your lives... I have been trying to apply them with missionarywork, and its been awesome!! :) But I don't have too much time left right now... so .,... til next week.... nuff love!! Elder Kraus