Tuesday, August 3, 2010

1st Baptism - GREAT DAY!

Hey everyone, sorry this one is a day late too.. Yesterday was a Jamaican holiday, (emancipation day or something like that) and everything was closed including the internet cafe. But this was a solid week. Everything is going great. I got to baptize Sanekay on Saturday. :) I was way excited for her. It was a really neat experience. We baptize in the ocean in Porty, so it was about as picture perfect as it gets. :) I"ll try to send some pictures, but it looks like last weeks didn't really send. I sent like ten but only two went through. I don't have much time this week, but here are some interesting stories haha
This week was our first district meeting, and me and Elder Ashton were riding to it, a bit late, and we got pulled over by the babylon (police) for running a stop sign on our bikes haha... Then he asked us for our ID's and i had left mine back at the house. WHen i told him i didn't have it, he told me that he was gonna lock me up for riding my bike without an ID. haha.. but i talked my way out of it. Overall, it was an interesting experience.
I am now officially a master at hopping in cold water, and still haven't used any blankets for my bed. I just lay on top of the sheets with a fan on my when i sleep, because its so hot!! I am starting to get some really goofy tan lines too. haha I'm loving it. We taught a lot of lessons this week, and had some good experiences. BUt, i'm gonna make this week's email a little shorter in an attempt to send some pictures. I'll write more next week though.
Love ELder KRaus

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